Discover the answers to all of your questions.

What kind of events can be on CampusLush?

Our platform scales to meet the needs of your events; paid or free events, online or in-person events, large or small. If it is a school-sponsored event, we support it.

Why should I use CampusLush?

Schools want to engage students. Likewise, students and alumni want to feel part of the school community. Yet, there has never been a platform dedicated to facilitating that interaction until now. CampusLush is where students can find events, campus communities, and resources. Meanwhile, schools can deepen their relationship with students throughout their lifecycle stages.

Will CampusLush replace the events page on our school website?

If you would like to enhance your events page to enable students to discover more events and provide greater accessibility to campus resources, CampusLush provides integrations to support that. For example, as events are posted on the CampusLush platform, the events will also be reflected on the school’s event webpage.

How does CampusLush support my virtual students?

Our platform really does meet the preferences of every student. The same way students can discover events that are taking place on campus is the same way students can learn about events taking place virtually. Our goal is to make the college experience more inclusive and accessible.

How can my school join CampusLush?

Getting started is easy. Contact us, and we will get you up and running in no time.

What kind of events can be posted on CampusLush?

Our platform scales to meet the needs of your events; from free events that are online or in-person, large or small. If it is a school-sponsored event, we support it.

Who can post events in CampusLush?

As part of our event approval system, school administrators can assign publishing rights to specific users who are designated with permission to create and post events. This way, you know who is publishing an event, and which organization(s) are hosting the event.

Are there any limits to the number of events my school can post?

Simply put, no. Schools can post an unlimited number of events at no additional charge.

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